Sound Marshal

Sound Marshal: because if it's too loud, you're too old (but in actuality it's probably a teensy bit too loud and we would appreciate you lowering it a tad bit so that we don’t wake up the house and then have to have a meeting and then have to come back in the morning and say “hey pal, that really was actually quite a bit too loud and now we are in trouble and you're going to have to turn it way way down today!”)

What we do

On paper, the Sound Marshal team is in charge of regulating amplified sound at Freezer Burn. We set maximum sound levels for each sound stage at sound check, and then monitor levels throughout the event. The main goal is always ‘Keep the House Happy!’ 

All jokes aside, the Sound Marshal team sets and monitors the sound levels at Freezer Burn. That sounds all technical, but in reality we just walk around and listen to music and read a number on a sound meter. We get to spend our shifts dancing and hanging out for a bit at all the Sound Stages, and I believe it even counts as crossfit since you walk up that hill 5 times a shift! It's quite laid back, you need no formal training to volunteer, and you get to experience the entire Freezer Burn nightlife as you roam the event.

In reality, this team spends a lot of time walking around the event with cute little sound meters, stops for a bit of dancing (and if time permits a sound level measurement), and then continues roaming around. You even get a radio and lanyard to be all official-like!

Team Dynamics

The team consists of one lead (the Chief Sound Marshal), and a pair of their deputies (the volunteer Sound Marshals). The ideal is 16 deputies, which is 2 volunteers per shift for the Thursday to Sunday dates. Also, each Soundstage is required to support the Sound Marshal team by offering volunteers.

Number of Volunteers

8 minimum, 20 maximum

Shift Length

Volunteer shifts are typically 6 hours, (5pm-11pm and 11pm-5am)

Pre-Event Tasks

  • Monitor the dedicated email (Leads)
  • Join and utilize the Production Communication Platform, example: Slack (Leads)
  • Working with the Sound Stages to develop sound plans for the event, as well as amplified sound policy requirements (Leads)
  • Scheduling of volunteers (Leads)
  • Updating documentation for the new year (Leads)
  • Working with ARTery to review Sound Stage grants (Leads)
  • Changing batteries in the sound meters (Leads)

Event Tasks

  • Issuing amplified sound permits to Sound Stages with their maximum allowable sound level (Leads & Volunteers) 
  • Working with Sound Stages to orientate themselves in a way to minimize sound bleed to other areas of the event (Leads & Volunteers) 
  • Monitoring sound levels throughout the event. If it's too loud, asking the stage to turn it down. If it's too quiet, you can let them know they have some headroom (Leads & Volunteers) 
  • Being the point of contact for all sound issues throughout the event (Leads) 
  • Monitoring the camping areas to ensure that there is no amplified sound after dark (Leads & Volunteers) 

Post-Event Tasks

  • Updating documentation and policies (Leads)
  • Write AfterBurn report (Leads)

Recommended Training


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